“Am I allowed to be so happy? Can so many wonderful things happen to someone like me?”

♡ before you follow me please note ♡

  • rape jokes are disgusting, i will unfollow you if i see you make/rt them

  • please don't post/rt pictures of real spiders im severely arachnophobic

  • i identify as fictional characters, it helps me deal with my identity issues, i understand not everyone understands or likes that and im fine with you following if you make kin jokes or dislike kinnies

  • please don't start drama with me/vague me, if i do something to upset you dm me and we'll talk about it maturely, i am tired and trying my best

♥ drop the kinlist ♥

♡ main kins ♡

lux ✧ himiko yumeno ✧ komugi ✧ rem ✧ kokomi

♡ other kins ♡

sonia nevermind ✧ homura akemi ✧ kotori minami ✧ rika furude ✧ ichigo momomiya ✧ yuno gasai ✧ marinette dupain-cheng ✧ asuka langley soryu ✧ ruby rose ✧ mercy

♡ main interests ♡

  • league of legends

  • ffxiv

  • hunter x hunter

  • jujutsu kaisen

  • madoka magica

  • naruto

  • project sekai

  • bandori

  • danganronpa

  • rhythm games

  • genshin impact

  • vocaloid

  • a lot of anime

♡ main ships ♡

  • merumugi

  • narusasu

  • kotoumi

  • kaokanon

  • sondam

  • oumeno

  • komahina

  • madohomu

  • killugon

  • katlux

favorite characters

♡ satoru gojo ♡i love you so much my beautiful angel of a man oh you are so breathtaking that i would cross galaxies just to gaze into your beautiful eyes and caress your cheeks with my hands for a second. i long for a universe where i can wrap my arms loving and tender around your tired frame and tell you youre home and safe and that you will be okay.

♡ viktor ♡i love you so much i would eat glass just to see your smile. i love everything about you, you are so perfect. your determination, your kindness, your intelligence, your adorable accent, and your resolve are all so magnificent that i am blinded by how brightly you shine above all things in this dull and dreary world.

♡ itachi ♡ klee ♡ tartaglia ♡ meruem ♡ vegeta ♡

♡ sasuke ♡ gaara ♡ komaeda ♡ future trunks ♡ killua ♡ bisky ♡ neferpitou ♡ chat noir ♡ kai'sa ♡ ouma ♡ mami ♡ yasuo ♡ reaper ♡ zuko ♡ tsukasa ♡

♡ favorite idols ♡

himi ♡ 20+ ♡ she/fae ♡

im a small sleepy deranged ethereal being who loves to cosplay, draw cute girls, sing, voice act, play video games, watch anime, and dance! i also really love cats. i love idol girls and i love shounen. also i will hyperfixate on a new sexy anime boy every two weeks im sorry i have adhd please let me rock.

✧ i experience gender differently than allistic people do, i am a doll and a fairy! i like she/fae/they pronouns!

if we're mutuals feel free to ask for my discord or summoner name (NA)